Monday, May 14, 2018

I Knew He Could

I tried posting last night and it got lost in the internet black hole.  So I’ll see if I can recreate it....

First off, Phil and Tom won the doubles. They had a great win over two really good players.  Phil felt like he and Tom played really well.  And to beat this particular team they would have had to.  I’m convinced that having played more singles matches this week only made Phil’s doubles play that much better.

Speaking of singles. The week started off with what felt like a disaster in Phil’s mind.  But by allowing himself his moment of frustration, then buckling down and doing what it takes to find his way again, he had great success. So what that he he lost one singles match.  He ended up winning four more. Not including the three doubles matches that they played. That’s never easy.  I’ll take winning 7 out of 8 total matches any day.  It’s all part of the process.  He knows what he needs to work on and he will continue to improve as the days and weeks go by.  

The hard court nationals are coming up in early June. A day or so off to rest and recover and then back on the court again. 
I’m so proud of him.
I knew he could do it.

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