Tuesday, June 12, 2018

First Match

Phil and I talked on the plane coming to Irvine from Mexico, about what to expect on the court the first day in the tournament. Not having played since Wednesday, it might not be pretty....

We arrived around 8:00 last night grabbed a quick bite and changed gears from fun festivities to serious tennis. After a quick warmup with Tom this morning Phil played his first match.  The first set lasted about 15 minutes. And not in Phil’s favor. His opponent came out swinging and not missing.  Phil was still in Mexico. Finally he started coming around and his opponent came back to earth and started missing. Phil came back and won the next two sets 6-3, 6-0. Whew.

Phil had lunch, caught up with some old college teammates, then went back on the practice court for about 45 minutes. He feels better now, and will be in a better place mentally tomorrow. He plays just single tomorrow then he and Tom start doubles on Wednesday.  

The weather was a delightful change from muggy hot Sayulita. I’m looking forward to the next few days.  

I’ll be posting results daily.

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